District Function & Organization
“Celebrating 70 years of Conservation”
Taos Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) serves the citizens and landowners of Taos County by promoting the wise use of land, water and natural resources. In order to accomplish this mission, the District gathers available technical, financial and educational resources and focuses or coordinates them so that they meet the needs of the local populace. Taos SWCD is committed to a productive and sustainable environment for present and future generations.
The District consists of all lands within Taos County excluding the incorporated municipality of the Town of Taos. This corresponds to an area equal to 2,257 square miles or 1.4 million acres. Approximately 550,723 acres are deeded lands while 733,325 acres fall under Federal management. Some 97,144 acres are managed by the State of New Mexico and 62,288 acres are of Tribal jurisdiction, respectively.
Taos Soil and Water Conservation District was created in 1941 and is a governmental subdivision of the State of New Mexico (NMSA Chapter 73, Article 20). The District governing body is composed of a board of seven Supervisors. Five Members of this board are elected biennially in the month of May in even numbered years. Elected supervisors serve staggered 4-year terms. Additionally, two more members may be appointed by the State Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Appointed supervisors serve 1-year terms. The current District board of supervisors consists of the following members:
Maureen Johnson | Chairman | Zone 2 | Position #2 |
Stephen Trujillo | Vice Chair | Zones 1 – 4 (at large) | Position #5 |
Dennis Cruz | Secretary/Treasurer | Zone 1 | Position #1 |
Andy Martinez | Member | Zone 4 | Position #4 |
Mary Lane Leslie | Member | Zones 1 – 4 (at large) | Appointed |
Lloyd Archuleta | Member | Zone 3 | Position #3 |
George Long | Member | Zones 1 – 4 (at large) | Appointed |

Mary Lane Leslie, Stephen Trujillo, Maureen Johnson, Dennis Cruz, Anthony Benson (former supervisor), Andy Martinez