Diffuse Knapweed
Centaurea diffusa
Diffuse knapweed is a non-native noxious & invasive species that originates from southern Europe, Asia, and north-central Ukraine. It was introduced to North America accidentally in the 1890s. It is a highly aggressive, short-lived, non-creeping perennial or annual that reproduces from seeds only.
Diffuse knapweed plants break off at the soil surface and become tumbleweeds over winter so they can disperse their seeds. It reduces agricultural yields and forage values. It also crowds out native species, negatively impacting the wildlife that depend on them.
View an educational video featuring New Mexico State University’s Extension Weed Specialist Dr. Leslie Beck! This video is specific to Diffuse and Spotted knapweed in Taos County and was the result of a collaboration between Taos Soil & Water Conservation District and New Mexico State University.
Photograph by Richard Old Photograph by Richard Old Photograph by Gerald D. Carr Photograph by Gerald D. Carr Photograph by Gerald D. Carr Photograph by Gerald D. Carr